Beware of Greeks

Beware of Greeks

About the Series

Anne's very first Greek tycoon was on the cover of one of her books. He was supposed to be Owain O'Neill, the Welsh rock singer turned historian in DREAM CHASERS. Of course, he was neither, but he did become a very good friend — and an inspiration of sorts.

All her Greek heroes owe a little bit to him.

There have been quite a few starting with Damon Alexakis in THE ALEXAKIS BRIDE, right up to the last one, Lukas Antonides, who, in  THE RETURN OF ANTONIDES, finally became a hero as he discovered a reason to come back for the girl he left behind.

All her Greek heroes find a bit more than they bargained for when they meet the heroines of their lives in Anne's books. Whether they are real business tycoons like Damon and Elias or sailboat racing loners like Theo or beach bums like PJ, they are fun to write about, to challenge and match wits with.

They keep Anne on her toes, especially when they turn out to be guys like Spencer Tyack — who isn't even Greek! — but who nearly hijacked THE SANTORINI BRIDE and had to be promised a book of his own (THE BOSS'S WIFE FOR A WEEK) before he would settle down and behave himself. Spence is an honorary Greek tycoon.

One lovely thing about these Greeks, especially the Savas and Antonides guys, is they seem to have vast extended families intent on providing Anne with lots of stories down the road. She can't wait.

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